In the reading world there is a lot of debate over whether physical books or e-readers are better. I believe there are pros and cons to both options. This post will explore the pros and cons to both physical books and e-readers. We will also share our preferences.
Physical books
Pros Cons
-Physical books are more tactile -Larger books can be hard to
-Decorative objects in the home transport
-Less hard on eyes, due to no back lighting -More expensive than e-books
-Can easily share books with friends
-It's easier to skim through
Pros Cons
-E-books a typically less expensive -E-readers need recharged
-E-readers can store hundreds of books -Some screens are hard to see in
-E-readers are slim and easily fit in a handbag sunlight
-Often times font size/style can be changed -E-readers can cause eye strain
-E-books can be read in the dark
Shannon's preference:
I personally prefer physical books over e-readers, that being said I do own a Kindle Fire. The Kindle is nice for a few reasons. First, I have an Amazon prime account and so every month I get one free book with Kindle first reads (and who can complain about free books). Two, the Kindle is nice if I'm going on a long trip so I don't have to pack however many pounds of physical books in my suit case. That being said, I do prefer physical books. I love holding the physical book in my hands as I read and I like being able to easily see the progress I am making. When shopping for books I am much happier walking through shelves of books. I find it easier to pick up books with interesting covers and titles, than searching for the on an e-reader. I also just love having a bookshelf full of books in my home to look at and cherish.
Sarah's preference:
Personally, I prefer physical books. However, I got a kindle a couple years ago and it has changed my life. Sometimes I get intimidated by really thick books, or books with really tiny print, or both! Being able to read these books on my kindle has made that intimidation shrink away. With a kindle you don't see the physical book, and can adjust the font size, which has really helped with more intimidating reads. I also use a kindle that doesn't have a back light, that makes it feel a little more like a physical book as well, and helps prevent eye strain! As I begin reviewing more books, I think I will get the opportunity to read on my kindle more. Most importantly, as long as you are reading (physical book, audiobook, e-reader, or any other medium I haven't thought of) you should be comfortable doing it your way!

Love to hold a book in my hands, love to see the artwork, but I too feel that some can be cumbersome. my tablet can also feel heavy after a while. I appreciate the ability to read in bed in the dark and Not need a light with my tablet so, grateful to have both options
I agree with both of you, I'm a physical books guy all the way.