Shannon's Process:
I love book shopping whether it is online or in person. However, depending on where I'm shopping, I look for and pick out books differently. I personally love (and prefer) walking through the shelves of a bookstore. Sometimes I go in with a set book in mind but more often than not I am wandering around aimlessly till I find whatever books seem to speak to me. I'm sure everyone has their own book selecting process, but below I will share some insight on mine.
I usually start by heading to one of two sections of the store, the young adult section or the general fiction section. Once I am there I will walk along the shelves looking for interesting titles or spines that catch my attention. When I find one that seems interesting I pick it off the shelf and look at the cover. Sometimes the cover will catch my attention and then I will read the synopsis. There are other times where the cover may not be as inspiring (and despite the fact that I shouldn't, I will judge a book by it's cover) and I put the book back on the shelf. I also usually make it a point to search out some of my favorite authors and see if they have any new releases that I have not read yet.
More often than not I end up with a large stack of books and have to narrow down my purchases for that day. Any books I decide to put back but would still like to purchase at some point I add to my Goodreads and Amazon lists so I remember the titles and authors.
Sarah's Process:
Usually if I know I am going to a bookstore, I take the time to go through my TBR on goodreads to see which books I don't own yet. I then write the titles and authors down of all the books I am missing. This way I have a good idea of what I am looking for, before I head to the store.
Once I am at the store, (I do most of my book shopping at used bookstores) I look for the titles on my list. If I come across any of them I immediately pick them off the shelf.
The first section I look at is usually the Young Adult section. YA is a genre I've always loved, and I love to see what I can add to my shelf. Next I usually look General Fiction. I'm definitely newer to this genre, and its rather broad. When looking at General Fiction I totally judge a book by its cover. Next on to thrillers. While I wouldn't say I judge thrillers based on the cover, the title usually has to grab me in order to read the synopsis. Last but not least, I check the classics to see if there are any I haven't read yet and are on my immediate TBR. A good example would be anything by Agatha Christie, I will always pick up her books if I can find them!